The Eagle Question
Sometimes “science” just doesn’t make sense.
For about 10 months now, there’s been this theory circulating in some homeschool groups in America.
These students, lead by none other than the author of this article, claim that our galaxy exists inside a Giant Eagle.
This theory is obviously correct, yet science persists with it’s unintelligent “the world is inside a galaxy” theory.
They need to put their own bias aside and actually consider the true state of the world and the overwhelming evidence for the Eagle Theory.
We cannot allow our own desire to be right to interfere with the greater good of the world’s scientific progress.
Yet, I fear these scientists are unwilling to admit they are wrong, and so they stubbornly cling to their theories
They see new evidence as a threat to their career, rather than a desire to bring new knowledge to the next generation.
We must continue to press forward with our knowledge, even in the face of these adversities, with the hope that someday the world will be presented with the evidence these scientists so selfishly hide.
We must do all we can to further the distribution of scientific knowledge around the world.
It will never be easy, and we may face threats and danger in our pursuit of bringing the truth to light, but we can rest assured that our contributions to society will be appreciated and remembered.
Indeed, this is the burden we must take up when we decide to pursue such a pain-staking career, but though we may be unpopular in our time, we can only remember the great minds of the past and move forward knowing that they, like us, we’re not revered in their time, but that the future generations will rise up and realize the reality of the world we live in: inside an eagle.
In due course, our truth will come to light; for now, I only hope that when the curtain is pushed aside and the truth of the Eagle Theory is revealed, that our comrades who come after us will resolve to take up where we left off, and carry on the truth which we have dedicated our lives to.
So join us, all you fellow nations, who want to further the proper discovery of new scientific data and rid our world of these tyrants who think they can control our decisions by withholding information from us. Who’s with us???!!!!
While it was previously believed that our eagle ate bagels, we now know that its diet consists of cosmic power.
The reason the bird is an eagle is that an eagle is the national bird of our great country. Second, through forces we are still working to understand, as long as our country is around, so will the eagle be around. We exist near the eagle’s heart, in a chamber right next to the stomach.
So, you can see, the fate of our country is tied to the fate of our galaxy.
The ruler of our great kingdom not only has the responsibility of looking out for us Americans, but he is also tasked with the galaxy’s wellbeing.
The election just got way more serious
Before we were in an eagle, our world existed in a hawk. When the pilgrims set forth, they unconsciously triggered the Hawk’s death, and in its place, an eagle became our protector.
Now, I hope this article has inspired you to share with others the great truth of the Eagle Theory.
Long Live the Eagle!
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